The time set as the beginning of the composition, in seconds. This is the equivalent of the Start Timecode or Start Frame setting in the Composition Setting
Tag Archives: Point
An array containing each feather pointメs direction, either 0 outer feather point or 1 inner feather point .NOTE: You cannot change the direction of a feathe
The start time of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/w
When true, the named property defines a spatial value. Examples are position and effect point controls.Boolean; read-only.
The current time of the item when it is being previewed directly from the Project panel. This value is a number ofseconds. Use the global method timeToCurre
Sets the value of a keyframe at the specified time. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for the specified time, a
Returns true if this layer will be active at the specified time. To return true, the layer must be enabled, no otherlayer may be soloing unless this layer i
The duration of a frame, in seconds. This is the inverse of the frameRate value frames-per-second .Floating-point; read/write.
The incoming tangent vectors, or direction handles, associated with the vertices of the shape. Specify each vector as an array of two floating-point values,
The out point of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/wr