The text layerメs font size in pixels.NOTE: If the text layer has different font size settings for each character, this attribute returns the setting for the
Tag Archives: Point
Schedules the specified JavaScript for delayed execution.stringToExecute A string containing JavaScript to be executed.delay A number of milliseconds to wai
Returns the outgoing spatial tangent for the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by th
Returns the key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value.None.An object with an attribute matchin
Calculates a transformation from a set of points in this layer.pointTopLeft The top left point coordinates in the form of an array, [x, y, z].pointTopRight
An array containing each feather pointメs relative angle percentage between the two normals on either side of a curved outer feather boundary at a corner on
When true, the FlashVideo cue point is for an event; otherwise, it is for navigation.Boolean; read/write.
The effective frame rate as displayed and rendered in compositions by After Effects.If removePulldown is PulldownPhase.OFF,then this is the same as the conf
True if a text layer is a layer of point unbounded text; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.
Returns the duration, in seconds, of the item. Still footage items have a duration of 0.ユ In a CompItem, the value is linked to the duration of the composit