The size of a paragraph box text layer as a [width, height] array of pixel dimensions.Array of two integers minimum value of 1 ; read/write.
Tag Archives: paragraph
The paragraph justification for the text layer.AParagraphJustification enumerated value; read-only. One of:ParagraphJustification.LEFT_JUSTIFYParagraphJusti
Restores the default text paragraph characteristics in the Paragraph panel.None.Nothing.
TextDocument object
The TextDocumentobject stores a value for a TextLayer’s Source Text property. Create it withthe constructor, passing the string to be encapsulated.ExamplesT
Creates a new paragraph box text layer and adds the new TextLayer object to this collection.To create a point text layer, use the addText method. For more i
Creates a new point text layer and adds the new TextLayer object to this collection.To create a paragraph box text layer, use the addBoxText method. For mor
True if a text layer is a layer of paragraph bounded text; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.