True if collapse transformation is on for this layer.Boolean; read/write.
Category Archives: AVLayer object
True if motion blur is enabled for the layer.Boolean; read/write.
Opens the layer in a Layer panel, and moves the Layer panel to front and gives it focus.None.Viewer object for the Layer panel, or null if the layer could n
True if the layer’s effects are active, as indicated by the icon next to it in the user interface.Boolean; read/write.
True if preserve transparency is enabled for the layer.Boolean; read/write.
Replaces the source for this layer.newSource The new source AVItem object.fixExpressions True to adjust expressions for the new source, false otherwise. Not
True if this is an environment layer in a Ray-traced 3D composition. Setting this attribute to true automatically makes the layer 3D threeDLayer becomes tru
Retrieves the rectangle bounds of the layer at the specified time index, corrected for text or shape layer content.Use, for example, to write text that is p
True if frame blending is enabled for the layer.Boolean; read-only.