Creates a new point text layer and adds the new TextLayer object to this collection.To create a paragraph box text layer, use the addBoxText method. For mor
Tag Archives: layer
The parent of this layer; can be null.Offset values are calculated to counterbalance any transforms above this layer in the hierarchy, so that when you set
True if the layer contains an audio component, regardless of whether it is audio-enabled or soloed.Boolean; read-only.
Contains the error, if any, generated by evaluation of the string most recently set in expression.If no expression string has been specified, or if the last
Finds the specified keyframe or marker and returns the time at which it occurs. If no keyframe or marker can be found that matches the argument, this method
If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i
When true, the layer has a video switch the eyeball icon in the Timeline panel; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.
Copies the layer into the specified composition. The original layer remains unchanged. Creates a new Layer object with the same values as this one, and prep
True if time remapping is enabled for this layer.Boolean; read/write.
The type of value stored in thenamed property. The PropertyValueType enumeration has one value for each type of data that can be stored in or retrieved from