Moves this layer to the bottom position of the layer stack the last layer .None.Nothing.
Tag Archives: layer
The current time of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value; read-only.
The source AVItem for this layer. The value is null ina Text layer. UseAVLayer.replaceSource to change the value.AVItem object; read-only.
The minimum permitted value of the named property. If the hasMin attribute is false, an exception occurs, and an error is generated.Floating-point value; re
Turns spatial continuity on or off for the specified keyframe.If the property value type is neither TwoD _SPATIAL nor ThreeD_SPATIAL, an exception is genera
Anarray containing each feather pointメs mask path segment number section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starting at 0 .NOTE: Values are stored
Associates a set of key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value. A cue point can have any number
The masking mode for this mask.AMaskMode enumerated value; read/write. One of:MaskMode.NONEMaskMode.ADDMaskMode.SUBTRACTMaskMode.INTERSECTMaskMode.LIGHTENMa
True if the layer is an adjustment layer.Boolean; read/write.
AVLayer object
The AVLayer object provides an interface to those layers that contain AVItem objects composition layers, footage layers, solid layers, text layers, and sou