
Returns the duration, in seconds, of the item. Still footage items have a duration of 0.οΎ• In a CompItem, the value is linked to the duration of the composit


Deletes this item from the project and from the Project panel. If the item is a FolderItem, all the items contained in the folder are also removed from the


All the compositions that use this AVItem.Note that upon retrieval, the array value is copied, so it is not automatically updated. If you get this value, th


The time when the Composition work area begins, in seconds.Floating-point; read/write.


The time set as the beginning of the composition, in seconds. This is the equivalent of the Start Timecode or Start Frame setting in the Composition Setting


The footage source, an object that contains all of the settings related to that footage item, including those that are normally accessed through the Interpr


When true, the AVItem is a placeholder, or represents footage with a source file that cannot be found. In this case, the path of the missing source file isi


When true, the frame rate of nested compositions is preserved in the current composition. Corresponds to the value of the Preserve frame rate when nested or


A user-readable name for the item type; for example, Folder , Footage , or Composition .String; read-only.