Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified placeholder. Creates a new PlaceholderSource object, sets its values from the parameters, and sets m
Tag Archives: height
Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified image sequence. In addition to loading the file, the method creates a new FileSource object for the
Creates a new composition. Creates and returns a new CompItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root
Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified solid. Creates a new SolidSource object, sets its values from theparameters, andsets mainSource to t
Creates a new SolidSource object, with values set as specified; sets the new SolidSource as the mainSource value of a new FootageItem object, and adds the F
Creates and returns a new PlaceholderItem object and adds it to the projectメs items array. Same as the File > Import > Placeholder A string con
The height of the item in pixels.ユ In a CompItem, the value is linked to the composition, and is read/write.ユ In a FootageItem, the value is linked to the m
The size of a paragraph box text layer as a [width, height] array of pixel dimensions.Array of two integers minimum value of 1 ; read/write.
Creates a PlaceholderSource object with specified values, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and sets useProxy to true. It does not preser
Creates a SolidSource object with specified values, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and sets useProxy to true. It does not preserve the