
The pixel aspect ratio PAR of the item.ユ In a CompItem, the value is linked to the composition.ユ In a FootageItem, the value is linked to the mainSource obj


An array containing each feather pointメs tension amount, from 0 0% tension to 1 100% tension .NOTE: Values are stored in the array in the order that feather


Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified solid. Creates a new SolidSource object, sets its values from theparameters, andsets mainSource to t


True if the value of the name attribute has been set explicitly, rather than automatically from the source.Boolean; read-only.


Gets a specified item from the items collection.index The position index of the item. An integer in the range [0..nu m Ite ms].RenderQueueItem object.


The current time of the item when it is being previewed directly from the Project panel. This value is a number ofseconds. Use the global method timeToCurre

Shape object

The Shape object encapsulates information describing a shape in a shape layer, or the outline shape of a Mask.It is the value of the Mask Path AE properties


Imports the file specified in the specified ImportOptions object, using the specified options. Same as the File > Import File command. Creates and returns a


Sets the parent of this layer to the specified layer, without changing the transform values of the child layer.There may be an apparent jump in the rotation


Pauses the current rendering process, or continues a paused rendering process. This is the same as clicking Pause in the Render Queue panel during a render.