
An ItemCollection object containing Item object that represent the top-level contents of this folder.Unlike the ItemCollection in the Project object, this c


The root folder containing the contents of the project; this is a virtual folder that contains all items in the Project panel, but not items contained insid


The number of items contained in the items collection folderItem.items.length .If the folder contains another folder, only the FolderItem for that folder is


Creates a new composition. Creates and returns a new CompItem object and adds it to this collection.If the ItemCollection belongs to the project or the root


Returns the top-level item in this folder at the specified index position. Note that top-level here means top-level within the folder, not necessarily withi

Item object

The Item object represents an item that can appear in the Project panel.The first item is at index 1.οΎ• Item is the base class for AVItem and for FolderItem,

FolderItem object

The FolderItem object corresponds to a folder in your Project panel. It can contain various types of items footage, compositions, solids as well as other fo


The FolderItem object for the folder that contains this item. If this item is at the top level of the project, this is the project’s root folder app.project


True if the Watch Folder dialog box is currently displayed and the application is currently watching a folder for rendering.Boolean; read-only.


Ends Watch Folder mode.None.Nothing.See also Application watchFolder method Application parseSwatchFile method Application isWatchFolder attribute