Creates a duplicate of this item and adds it this render queue.NOTE: Duplicating an item whose status is Done sets the new itemメs status to Queued .None.Ren
Category Archives: RenderQueueItem object
The total number of Output Modules assigned to this item.Integer; read-only.
Gets an output module with the specified index position.index The position index of the output module. An integer in the range [1..numOutputModules].OutputM
The name of a callback function that is calledwhenever the value of the RenderQueueItem.status attribute changes.You cannot make changes to render queue ite
The collection of Output Modules for the item.OMCollection object; read-only.
Saves the itemメs current render settings as a new template with the specified A string containing the name of the new template.Nothing.
RenderQueueItem object
Applies a Render Settings template to the item. See also RenderQueueItem saveAsTemplate method and RenderQueueItem templates attribute .templateName A strin
The number of frames to skip when rendering this item. Use this to do rendering tests that are faster than a full render.A value of 0 skip no frames, and re