
The number of seconds spent rendering this item.Integer, or null if item has not been rendered; read-only.


The time in the composition, in seconds, at which rendering will begin. Setting this value is the same as setting a custom start time in the Render Settings


Creates a new paragraph box text layer and adds the new TextLayer object to this collection.To create a point text layer, use the addText method. For more i


A log type for this item, indicating which events should be logged while this item is being rendered.A LogType enumerated value; read/write . One of:LogType


Creates a duplicate of this item and adds it this render queue.NOTE: Duplicating an item whose status is Done sets the new itemメs status to Queued .None.Ren


Creates a new ShapeLayer object for a new, empty Shape layer. Use the ShapeLayer object to add properties, such as shape, fill, stroke, and path filters.Thi