PropertyBase object

Properties are accessed by name through layers, using various kinds of expression syntax, as controlled by application preferences. For example, the followi


When true the default , After Effects attempts to display a dialog box that allows you to save the current project if an error causes the application to qui


Pauses the current rendering process, or continues a paused rendering process. This is the same as clicking Pause in the Render Queue panel during a render.


Opens the application main window ifit is minimized or iconified, and brings it to the front of the desktop.None.Nothing.


Starts the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Render in the Render Queue panel. The method does not return until the render process is complete


Ends the suppression of script error dialog boxes in the user interface. Error dialogs are displayed by default;call this method only if beginSuppressDialog


Stops the rendering process. This is the same as clicking Stop in the Render Queue panel during a render. You can call this method from an onStatusChanged o


Ends Watch Folder mode.None.Nothing.See also Application watchFolder method Application parseSwatchFile method Application isWatchFolder attribute


The name of a callback function that is calledwhenever the value of the RenderQueueItem.status attribute changes.You cannot make changes to render queue ite

MarkerValue object

The MarkerValue object represents a layer marker, which associates a comment, and optionally a chapter reference point, Web-page link, or Flash Video cue po