The value of the named property at the current time.ユ If expressionEnabled is true, returns the evaluated expression value.ユ If there are keyframes, returns
Category Archives: Property object
Sets values for a set of keyframes at specified of times. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for a specified tim
When true, the named property is of a type whose expression can be set by a script. See also Property expression attribute .Boolean; read-only.
Returns true if the specified keyframe is selected.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by the addKey or n
When true, the named property is time varyingラthat is, it has keyframes or an enabled expression. When this attribute is true, the attribute canVaryOverTime
Selects or deselects the specified keyframe.keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the range [1..numKeys], as returned by the addKey or nearest-
The value of the named property as evaluated at the specified time.Note that the type of value returned is not made explicit; it will be of a different type
When true, the named property can vary over timeラthat is, keyframe values or expressions can be written to this property.Boolean; read-only.
Returns true if the specified keyframe has spatial auto-Bezier interpolation. This type of interpolation affectsthis keyframe only if keySpatialContinuous k