When true, the mask is a RotoBezier shape; otherwise, false.Boolean; read/write.
Category Archives: PropertyBase object
Returns true if the named property can be interpolated using the specified keyframe interpolation type.typeAKeyframeInterpolationType enumerated value; one
The expressionfor the named property. Writeable only when canSetExpression for the named property is true. When you specify a value for this attribute, the
Returns true if the specified keyframe has temporal auto-Bezier interpolation.Temporal auto-Bezier interpolation affects this keyframe only if the keyframe
The position index of this property within its parent group, if it is a child of an indexed group a property group that has the type PropertyType.INDEXED_GR
Sets the incoming and outgoing tangent vectors for the specified keyframe.If the property value type is neither TwoD _SPATIAL nor ThreeD_SPATIAL, an excepti
Finds and returns a child property of this group, as specified by either its index or name.A name specification can use the same syntax that is available wi
How motion blur is applied to this mask.A MakMotionBlur enumerated value; read/write. One of:Mask Motion Blur.SAME_AS_L AYERMaskMotion Blur.ONMaskMotion Blu