The collection of Output Modules for the item.OMCollection object; read-only.
Tag Archives: output
The name of the output module, as shown in the user interface.String; read-only.
The number of frames to skip when rendering this item. Use this to do rendering tests that are faster than a full render.A value of 0 skip no frames, and re
When true, writes all source footage XMP metadata to the output file. Corresponds to the Include Source XMP Metadata option in the Output Module Settings di
The current render status of the item.An RQItemStatus enumerated value; read-only. One of:RQItemStatus.WILLCONTINUE Rendering process has been paused.RQItem
The names of all output-module templates available in the local installation of After Effects.Array of strings; read-only.
Gets an output module with the specified index position.index The position index of the output module. An integer in the range [1..numOutputModules].OutputM
Applies the specified existing output-module template.template Name A string containing the name of the template to be applied.Nothing.
Executes a system command, as if you had typed it on the operating systemメs command line. Returns whatever the system outputs in response to the command, if
OutputModule object
An OutputModule object of a RenderQueueItem generates a single file or sequence via a render operation, and contains attributes and methods relating to the