
Replaces the source for this layer.newSource The new source AVItem object.fixExpressions True to adjust expressions for the new source, false otherwise. Not


The index position of the layer.Integer in the range [1..numLayers]; read-only.


True if this is an environment layer in a Ray-traced 3D composition. Setting this attribute to true automatically makes the layer 3D threeDLayer becomes tru


Applies the specified collection of animation settings an animation preset to the layer. Predefined animation preset files are installed in the Presets fold


The quality with which this layer is displayed.A LayerQuality enumerated value; read/write. One of:LayerQuality.BESTLayerQuality.DRAFTLayerQuality.WIREFRAME


The in point of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/wri