
Returns true if this layer’s audio will be active at the specified time.For this method to return true, audioEnabled must be true, no other layer with audio


Returns true if this layer will be active at the specified time. To return true, the layer must be enabled, no otherlayer may be soloing unless this layer i


The current time of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value; read-only.


True if this layer is being used as a track matte for the layer behind it.Boolean; read-only.


Calculates a transformation from a set of points in this layer.pointTopLeft The top left point coordinates in the form of an array, [x, y, z].pointTopRight


Moves this layer to a position immediately after below the specified layer.layer The target layer, a layer object in the same composition.Nothing.


When true, the layer was created as a null object; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.