Returns true if this layer’s audio will be active at the specified time.For this method to return true, audioEnabled must be true, no other layer with audio
Category Archives: Layer object
Returns true if this layer will be active at the specified time. To return true, the layer must be enabled, no otherlayer may be soloing unless this layer i
True if it is legal to change the value of the timeRemapEnabled attribute on this layer.Boolean; read-only.
True if this layer is being used as a track matte for the layer behind it.Boolean; read-only.
Moves this layer to the topmost position of the layer stack the first layer .None.Nothing.
Calculates a transformation from a set of points in this layer.pointTopLeft The top left point coordinates in the form of an array, [x, y, z].pointTopRight
Moves this layer to a position immediately after below the specified layer.layer The target layer, a layer object in the same composition.Nothing.
True if collapse transformation is on for this layer.Boolean; read/write.