
The duration of a frame, in seconds. This is the inverse of the frameRate value frames-per-second .Floating-point; read/write.


A text frame target for this marker. Together with the URL value, this targets a specific frame within a Web page.String; read/write.


The minimum number of motion blur samples per frame for Classic 3D layers, shape layers, and certain effects. This corresponds to the Samples Per Frame sett


An alternate way of setting the Frame Count menu setting in the Project Settings dialog box to 0 or 1, and is equivalent to using the FramesCountType.FC_STA


When true, the frame rate of nested compositions is preserved in the current composition. Corresponds to the value of the Preserve frame rate when nested or


Returns the lengthof a frame for this AVItem, in seconds. This is the reciprocal of frameRate. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new frameR


Changes the source of this FootageItem to the specified placeholder. Creates a new PlaceholderSource object, sets its values from the parameters, and sets m


The frame rate of the AVItem, in frames-per-second. This is the reciprocal of the frameDuration. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new fram


A frame rate to use instead of the nativeFrameRate value. If set to 0, the nativeFrameRate is used instead.It is an error to set this value if FootageSource

AVItem object

The AVItem object provides access to attributes and methods of audio/visual files imported into After Effects.οΎ• AVItem is a subclass of Item. All methods an