The frame rate of the AVItem, in frames-per-second. This is the reciprocal of the frameDuration. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new fram
Monthly Archives: March 2015
Returns the lengthof a frame for this AVItem, in seconds. This is the reciprocal of frameRate. When set, the reciprocal is automatically set as a new frameR
When true, the AVItem is a placeholder, or represents footage with a source file that cannot be found. In this case, the path of the missing source file isi
Returns the duration, in seconds, of the item. Still footage items have a duration of 0.οΎ• In a CompItem, the value is linked to the duration of the composit
Application object
Provides access to objects and application settings within the After Effects application. The single global object is always available by its name, app.Attr
Starts a Watch Folder network rendering process pointed at a specified folder.folder_object_to_watch The ExtendScript Folder object for the folder to watch.
Schedules the specified JavaScript for delayed execution.stringToExecute A string containing JavaScript to be executed.delay A number of milliseconds to wai
Set or clears the flag that determines whether preferences are saved when the application is closed.doSave When true, preferences saved on quit, when false
Sets memory usage limits as in the Memory & Cache preferences area. For both values, if installed RAM is less than a given amount n gigabytes , the value is
Quits the After Effects application.None.Nothing.