
A LayerCollection object that contains all the Layer objects for layers in this composition. See LayerCollection object .LayerCollection object; read-only.


When true, only layers with shy set to false are shown in the Timeline panel. When false, all layers are visible, including those whose shy value is true. C


The duration of a frame, in seconds. This is the inverse of the frameRate value frames-per-second .Floating-point; read/write.


When true, frame blending is enabled for this Composition. Corresponds to the value of the Frame Blending button in the Composition panel.Boolean; if true,


When true, indicates that the composition uses drop-frame timecode. When false, indicates non-drop-frame timecode. This corresponds to the setting in the Co


When true, Draft 3D mode is enabled for the Composition panel. This corresponds to the value of the Draft 3D button in the Composition panel.Boolean; read/w


The time set as the beginning of the composition, in seconds. This is the equivalent of the Start Timecode or Start Frame setting in the Composition Setting


The background color of the composition. The three array values specify the red, green, and blue components of the color.An array containing three floating-


The active camera, which is the front-most camera layer that is enabled. The value is null if the composition contains no enabled camera layers.CameraLayer

Collection object

Like an array, a collection associates a set of objects or values as a logical group and provides access to them by index. However, most collection objects