When true, this property is active. For a layer, this corresponds to the setting of the eyeball icon and if the current time is between the layerメs in and o
Monthly Archives: March 2015
Property object
The Property object contains value, keyframe, and expression information about a particular AE property of a layer. An AE property is an value, often animat
The value of the named property as evaluated at the specified time.Note that the type of value returned is not made explicit; it will be of a different type
Sets values for a set of keyframes at specified of times. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for a specified tim
Sets the value of a keyframe at the specified time. Creates a new keyframe for the named property, if one does not currently exist for the specified time, a
Finds the specified keyframe and sets its value.If the named property has no keyframes, or no keyframe with the specified index, this method generates an ex
Sets the static value of a property that has no keyframes.If the named property has keyframes, this method generates an exception and displays an error. To
Sets the incoming and outgoing temporal ease for the specified keyframe. See KeyframeEase object .keyIndex The index for the keyframe. An integer in the ran
Turns temporal continuity on or off for the specified keyframe.When temporal continuity is turned on, it affects this keyframe only if the keyframe interpol
Turns temporal auto-Bezier interpolation on or off for the specified keyframe. When this is turned on, it affects this keyframe only if keySpatialContinuous