
The current time of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value; read-only.


The layerメs time stretch, expressed as a percentage. A value of 100 means no stretch. Values between 0 and 1 are set to 1, and values between -1 and 0 not i


The start time of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/w


When true, the layer is soloed, otherwise false.Boolean; read/write.


When true, the layer is shy, meaning that it is hidden in the Layer panel if the compositionメs Hide all shy layers option is toggled on.Boolean; read/write.


An array containing all of the currently selected Property and PropertyGroup objects in the layer.Array of PropertyBase objects; read-only.


The parent of this layer; can be null.Offset values are calculated to counterbalance any transforms above this layer in the hierarchy, so that when you set


The out point of the layer, expressed in composition time seconds .Floating-point value in the range [-10800.0..10800.0] minus or plus three hours ; read/wr


When true, the layer was created as a null object; otherwise false.Boolean; read-only.


The name of the layer. By default, this is the same as the Source name which cannot be changed in the Layerpanel , but you can set it to be different.String