An array containing each feather pointメs relative position, from 0 to 1, on its mask path segment section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starti
Tag Archives: attribute
Creates a PlaceholderSource object with specified values, sets this as the value of the proxySource attribute, and sets useProxy to true. It does not preser
Finds the specified keyframe and sets its value.If the named property has no keyframes, or no keyframe with the specified index, this method generates an ex
Indicates the rendering order for the fill and stroke of a text layer. When true, the stroke appears over the fill.NOTE: If the text layer has different fil
True if the value of the name attribute has been set explicitly, rather than automatically from the source.Boolean; read-only.
The alphaMode attribute of footageSource defines how the alpha information in the footage is to be interpreted.If hasAlpha is false, this attribute has no r
If this property is a child of an indexed group, creates and returns a new PropertyBase object with the same attribute values as this one.If this property i
The name of a callback function that is called when an error occurs. By creating a function and assigning it to this attribute, you can respond to errors sy
When true, the named property uses its associated expression to generate a value. When false, the keyframe information or static value of the property is us
Anarray containing each feather pointメs mask path segment number section of the mask path between vertices, numbered starting at 0 .NOTE: Values are stored