TextDocument object

The TextDocumentobject stores a value for a TextLayer’s Source Text property. Create it withthe constructor, passing the string to be encapsulated.ExamplesT


Returns the key-value pairs for Flash Video cue-point parameters, for a cue point associated with this marker value.None.An object with an attribute matchin


Creates and returns a new PlaceholderItem object and adds it to the projectメs items array. Same as the File > Import > Placeholder command.name A string con

Layer object

The Layer object provides access to layers within compositions. It can be accessed from an itemメs layer collection either by index number or by a name strin

RenderQueueItem object

Applies a Render Settings template to the item. See also RenderQueueItem saveAsTemplate method and RenderQueueItem templates attribute .templateName A strin

AVItem object

The AVItem object provides access to attributes and methods of audio/visual files imported into After Effects.ユ AVItem is a subclass of Item. All methods an

TextLayer object

The TextLayer object represents a text layer within a composition. Create it using the LayerCollection objectメs addText method; It can be accessed in an ite


Creates a new CompItem object and moves the specified layers into its layer collection. It removes the individual layers from this collection, and adds the


Saves the project. The same as the File > Save or File > Save As command. If the project has never previously been saved and no file is specified, prompts t


True if the value of the name attribute has been set explicitly, rather than automatically from the source.Boolean; read-only.