
A string indicating the locale language and regional designations After Effects is running.NOTE: $.locale returns the operating system language, not the lan


A numeric status code used when executing a script externally that is, from a command line or AppleScript .ユ In Windows, the value is returned on the comman


This attribute is used only when executing a script from a command line on Windows. When the application is launched from the command line, the ヨr or ヨs com


The effects available in the application.Array, with each element containing the following properties; read-only:displayName String representing the localiz


The number of the build of After Effects being run, used internally by Adobe for testing and troubleshooting.Integer; read-only.


The name of the build of After Effects being run, used internally by Adobe for testing and troubleshooting.String; read-only.


The Viewer object for the currently focused or active-focused viewer Composition, Layer, or Footage panel.Returns null if no viewers are open.Viewer object;